New things coming!!

Hey guys,

I have decided to start putting my applications and code on my website. These applications will be safe, useful and trustworthy. As a independent programmer I have no intention of putting malware in any of my applications. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the applications I will be making!

Enjoy your day,

Zach 🙂

school sucks

Hey guys, been not long ago. December is coming in 3 days or so and with December brings advent, and advent… brings Christmas! As a christian I see this in a different way than most people (but i still care about the prezzies!).

Today I have got in trouble twice. The first time i had a science teacher called “Mr Smith” and I wasn’t doing work. I was drawing as I have ADHD and draw to focus. Understandable right? He told me off but that wasn’t what p*ssed me off. He said to me that if I do the work in 30secs I wouldn’t get in trouble. I would be let of the hook. EZ. I do this for fun! I did this in 29secs and guess what? He put me OnCall. OnCall is basically taking me out of the class and putting me in a different one. Anyways, then I had maths last period/lesson. Miss Yusef is going to call my parents for lord knows what. Ridiculous. Anyways…

My Mum came home from Poland! I’m going to see her after school, which would be nice, if she didn’t know what happened today. When I got OnCall-ed, my parents get an IMMEDIATE notification. My parents probably only knows I got OnCall-ed so that’s a pain.

Anyways, see you guys.

By the way… have you subscribed?


I haven’t posted for a while, and I’m sorry, but I promise, this post will be shocking!

So firstly, some news. Did you know about the Virgin Media Gamehub? No? Well its based in the O2 and it is a free gaming center. That’s right, FREE! You can have 30min FREE game time on the all new Xbox Series X. So Forza nerds, Plane nerds or any type of gamer, get yo butt down there TODAY.

So now about my 𝒍̲̅𝒊̲̅𝒇̲̅𝒆̲̅

I’m still a single pringle. I am not being bullied so far thank god! Had a family meeting last weekend @ the o2, I’m in Scouts and going Christmas camp on the 9th and I am as board af. I miss when my life was exciting…

See you guys in a month or less…

New Update

I haven’t been online recently that much, but that is because a lot of things has been happening recently, but in a good way. I have changed tutors and ever since then life has seemed to be pointing in the right direction. I have gained friends, and more than friends and now, life seems preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeety good.